On November 19, 2017 I wrote a blog entitled "WHEN WILL THE BUBBLE BURST?"  Now, almost two months later I am getting conflicting information.  In the last article I said that the bubble should burst in the later part of 2018.

This week I read where the Real Estate market should have a good year in 2018 increasing by about 6%.  Someone else predicted that commercial property would shrink, as there will be less space needed to do manufacturing due to advances in technology.

I believe in the 6% increase. First, I'm the ultimate optimist.  Second, when you compare Los Angeles to the rest of the world we are somewhere in the middle of Real Estate affordability.  The world is shrinking every day technologically.  The wealth of knowledge doubles what seems to be every 20 minutes when it used to be (not so many years ago) 7 years.  Communication around the world is instantaneous! There are no time lapses except for Omaha Nebraska and Tucumcari New Mexico.  So prices in Paris, London and other major world cities are above ours and we might just be in the middle of catching up.

After all, except for New York and San Francisco we're a pretty important economy and the economy reflects itself in Real Estate prices.   


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